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Phone: 210-564-1520

Qualifications: Elementary Bilingual/ESL, Elementary Self-Contained, Legacy Master Reading Teacher and Principal (EC-12). 

Ms. Rosalba Martinez

Rosalba Martinez is a passionate advocate for children's education, believing strongly that every student can learn. She holds that educators are responsible for identifying each student's unique learning style and tailoring their teaching methods to meet those needs. Her approach underscores the importance of personalized education and the critical role teachers play in fostering student success. 

Ms. Martinez brings a wealth of experience to her advocacy, with 35 years in the education field. She has spent 17 years as a classroom teacher within Laredo ISD and United ISD, where she honed her skills in understanding and addressing diverse student needs. Her expertise expanded as a Reading Technical Assistant Specialist with UT Systems, and she further developed her leadership skills as an Assistant Principal. Currently, she is in her 13th year as an Elementary Principal, having served in both Laredo ISD and Judson ISD. Throughout her career, she has attended numerous Leadership Symposiums and, in 2020, was selected to attend the Harvard School of Education's course for campus principals worldwide. Despite the pandemic postponing the on-campus experience to 2022, she engaged in Evolving Leadership virtual sessions in 2020 and 2021. 

With her selection by Raise Your Hand Texas, Ms. Martinez has actively advocated for funding for Public Education. She was also chosen for leadership development with the Charles Butt Foundation in Holdsworth, enhancing her capacity to lead high-performing campuses. Proudly selected as the 2025 Principal at Hartman Elementary within Judson ISD, Ms. Martinez continues to leverage the knowledge and skills gained from her Harvard and Holdsworth experiences to benefit her school community.